MARKINC.org - an acronym for “Making Abundant Riches Known In the Name of Christ” was founded in honor of my son, Mark. It is the desire of this non-profit is to come alongside others who are hurting just as people further down the road in their grief journey had done for them. While the roots of this ministry were started in a painful, broken place, there has been tremendous beauty that has resulted in the help and hope that has been shared with millions of people around the world. One of the gifts from my brokenness is our Help and Hope audio stories. These stories address some of life's darkest circumstances that are often difficult to discuss, yet need to be faced as we help one another walk by faith. These are the real-life testimonies of people who have walked through these experiences and have found their strength in Christ. They will also help equip and energize listeners to come alongside those who are hurting.
In addition to the Help & Hope stories featured on this page, I had included Encouragement Stories videos that I know you will find to be treasures of encouragement.